Basic Plot Synopsis: We are introduced to a young man only known by his alias AV. He is hacker and we first see him coding away on his computer. This character will be a teenager with unique abilities. He becomes involved in an anti-capitalist anarchy organisations (Occupy) and decides to wipe away the whole credit history of everyone in the world, causing a worldwide economic crash due to his parents being involved with big debt. This causes chaos throughout the world, then we skips to five years later when they world has suffered mass apocalyptic chaos due to people looting. AV goes on his own mission to restore society to what it was before. He ends up meeting a female which she is too looking for a solution to rebuild society. He is against time because the female that he falls in love with is now dying of leukemia. He has to go back in time to stop himself from making the error that he now regrets. The trailer will be very fast paced and chaotic. By him going back in time it makes him sacrifice his life for his girlfriend. There is only two characters the male character does not tell his real name and has the name of AV which is his alternative name. The female character is called Maria and they have been childhood friends there will be a flashback and a silent moment of them two growing up together and then meeting again being the last people in the world.
Describe Mise-En-Scene: Very gritty colour palette with saturated scenes to give that realistic look but also to give the sense of post-apocalyptic aftermath, with building debris and burned/scorched things around the city.
Cinematography / Photography: As the trailer will show scenes where the world is an apocalyptic stage, we will need to find some stock aerial footage of major cities around the world and edit them making them look broken and in a stage of chaos, cities we have in mind are London and then a more global overview of the world. Most of the shots we will film we plan to make them handheld using a Steadicam rather than being fixed on a tripod, this will give the user more of a realistic feel and make the footage more engaging due to the genre.
Conventions: We plan to reinforce most conventions being in any form of media like posters and the trailer, as we will keep the convention of urgency and distress in the film posters seen in big Hollywood films. However we do plan on subverting some conventions we find like usually we have a main villain or higher power thing that causes the world to come into a apocalypse where as in this film the person who causes it ends up regretting it and wants to revert it, and it’s based on the sense of regret that damages his mentality. Furthermore the production will also consist of oriental characters which will show a more diverse audience and will also attract a young audience.
Resources: In terms of resources is, we would need a couple of actors, like no larger than 5, as we there aren’t many people in the story line, mostly more before the apocalypse happens, therefore it shouldn’t take long to film. However we will need a good chunk of time for the heavy editing we intend to do. Whereas the props we use are easily accessible to us as a production time. All the setting we intend to film are easily accessible, but would require us to be there at certain time frame, such as the Westfield bridge but in a time when no one is there, such as early in the morning.
Our unique selling point: As a film based around the modern time frame we thought to make it seem as modern as possible without making it look futuristic as possible with laser guns and android, but make do with the technology we have now. Also out aim is to make something that could potentially happen in modern times which could have a huge dramatic effect on society and what the outcome of it could be.
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